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Office Hours: Mon, Tue, & Fri - 9:00 am - 2:00 pm

Closed: Wednesday & Thursday
Parish Secretary: Julie Busch / 636-451-4685
Office Address: 1587 Hwy AM, Villa Ridge, MO 63089

The organizations of St. Mary's and St. James Parishes are the embodiment of our parish community. They are where parishioners learn and teach, get help and give help, and demonstrate their faith as active members of the community.


You are invited to join with the individuals of these organizations in helping make our community a better place to live.  If you would like, you can also contact the parish office for more information.

Parish Council

The Parish Council is the coordinating and unifying structure of the parish community. The Council works in cooperation with the Pastor and the total parish in setting policy and establishing goals, objectives and action plans. The Council attempts to reflect the viewpoints of all the people of St. Mary's Parish and St. James Parish.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee is a group of individuals who assist the Pastor in planning, providing for, and supervising the financial affairs and physical properties of the parish.  The committee is concerned with parish resources, the budget, church support, and the effective utilization and maintenance of the parish plant.  

St. Vincent DePaul Society

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is an international Catholic organization of men and women who seek, in a spirit of justice and charity, by person-to-person involvement of its members, to help those who are suffering.  No work of charity is foreign to the society.  The work is funded through parish and community food drives during the year and monetary funding is through the offerings in the Offertory envelope and donated canned foods. IF YOU ARE NEEDING ASSISTANCE, CALL 1-877-238-3228 EXT. 3311


The quilters donate their time and talent to produce beautiful hand-made quilts that are used for the socials of the parish throughout the year.


St. Marys cemetery is located across from the school. For more information on the cemetery, contact the parish office. 
St. James cemetery is located on Parish grounds next to the rectory. We can always use help maintaining these cemeteries.

Music Ministry

St. Marys Parish has a variety of opportunities for those who would like to join our congregation in singing, giving praise to God through music and for the inspiration and up building of our parish community.  Everyone who has an interest in music, whether you are a trained musician or someone who just enjoys singing, is most welcome to be a part of this ministry. 
Please call for further information on any music related questions, including music for our Christmas Mass, weddings, funerals, special functions, or Sundays  

Altar Society

Our Altar Society donate their time and talent in keeping the church beautiful by cleaning, maintaining the altar linens and decorating. They also raise money through activities to defray the cost of maintaining the church. A great way to support the church community.


Volunteers are always needed for minor repairs, grass cutting, landscaping. If you would like to volunteer a few hours a week to help, please call the office.

Ministry of Readers (Lectors)

Anyone high school age or older that would like to participate in mass by reading the word of God is welcome.  This ministry covers reading and announcements for weekend masses and special occasions as assigned.  If you wish to participate in this ministry and have not been a reader before, instruction is available.  More readers are always welcome and needed. 

Prayer Chain

The prayer chain consists of a group of parishioners who will pray for any intentions that are requested.  Anyone who is in need for prayer or would like to join the prayer chain is welcome to call.  

Hall Rental at St. Mary's and St. James

Our hall is a place for meetings, socials and has a full kitchen area. 

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